2024 Donation Acknowledgment

Nancy Bernstein & Rocky Schoen

Christine Biancheria in honor of The Old Gate Road Gang

Susan Frietsche

Patricia Garber in memory of Ginger Pillar

Grambrindi Davies Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation in honor of Christine Biancheria & Sue Frietsche

Erin & Seana Miller

Rio Grande Games

Tony & Celia Soltis

Neetu Watumull

Anonymous (2)

Happier Lives

“The unselfish effort to bring cheer to others will be the beginning of a happier life for ourselves.” – Helen Keller

Friends of Aseema wishes to extend a special thanks to the many Microsoft Employees who participated in a matching campaign, most of whom are listed anonymously.

We also thank Ginny Hildebrand, Jamini Davies, and Karen Engro for their extraordinary efforts to hold an event to introduce new people to our organization. We learned a lot from you in the process, and you came through in difficult times!

Our president would like to give an Above-and-Beyond shoutout to Seana and Erin Miller for supporting our organization as generous donors and for their support in so many other ways. They know what this means.

If anyone is curious, The Old Gate Road Gang refers, not to a real gang, but to a group of childhood friends who grew up on the same street and who were made better for having had the good fortune to shape each other’s lives then and now.

A big thanks to Madhuri Murlikrishnan and Rohit Vaidya for their generosity of spirit, heart, and resources, and for making time to visit Aseema’s schools, and for spending time with the charming students, and staff, and the welcoming communities from which the students come.

We are grateful to all of you. We could write a tribute to each of you. Thank you all so much for caring about this wonderful cause, a tremendous positive in difficult times.

2023 Donation Acknowledgment

A special recognition of Moez and Marissa Kassam and Rio Grande Games for extraordinary generosity – Thank you!

Nancy Bernstein and Rocky Schoen

Christine Biancheria in honor of Madhuri Murli

Lynne Brown and Elizabeth Stokes

Patricia Garber in honor of Claire Pillar

F. Dok Harris

Erin & Seana Miller

Anonymous Donor (1) in honor of Duncan McFarland on his 80th and Mary Ashton for her long support of Aseema

Anonymous Donor (1)

A Difference

“Giving is not just about making a donation. It is about making a difference.” – Kathy Calvin

Friends of Aseema wishes to express tremendous gratitude for the hard work of our volunteers in bringing Hooky, the board game, to life and especially to Tessa Samuelson for her wonderful art and to Erik Arneson for demonstrating the game to others with such zeal and time commitment.

Friends of Aseema also is extremely grateful to Colleen Briner, of our advisory board, and Karen Eriksen, a volunteer, who worked so hard to help us put together two in-person art events and markets. We are also grateful to Brittany Green from our advisory board for conducting a training session for our board.

We extend a special thanks also to the many Microsoft employees who participated in a matching campaign, to the United Women in Faith of the Mt. Lebanon United Methodist Church for inviting us to give them a presentation, and to Will Halim and Storyburgh for the invitation to participate in The Convos on YouTube.

2022 Donation Acknowledgment

A special recognition of Moez and Marissa Kassam for extraordinary generosity over $20,000 – Thank you!

Nancy Bernstein and Rocky Schoen

Christine Biancheria in memory of James Marshall Miller

Patricia Garber in honor of Christine Biancheria

Veronica Richards in memory of Deborah S. Maliver

Aruna and Ravi Sundaram

Anonymous Donors (1)

2021 Donation Acknowledgment

Nancy Bernstein

Christine Biancheria

Ramona Fararo

Monish Gangwani

Moez and Marissa Kassam

Christine Biancheria in honor of Veronica Richards, who helped me get back onto my feet and path

Patricia Garber in honor of Chris Biancheria, Ian Pillar and Claire Pillar

Veronica Richards in memory of Deb Maliver 

Anonymous Donors (2)


Someone once said, “Good friends are like stars. You don’t always see them, but you know they’re always there.”

We would like to thank the many Microsoft employees who donated though a drive there, only a few of whose names appear here.

A special thanks to Amazon for the Amazon Smile program as well.

2020 Donation Acknowledgment

The S&P Global Foundation

The Moez & Marissa Kassam Foundation

2019 Celebrating Our Early Supporters

Friends of Aseema would like to offer special gratitude to the following major donors who believed in us and were particularly generous: In addition, Friends of Aseema extends a heartfelt thanks to the following individuals who became our first monthly, repeating donors. Repeating donations are especially sustaining to an organization:

Moez & Marissa Kassam Foundation
Excel Tire Gauge

“If you could only sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet; how important you can be to the people you may never even dream of.”
Fred Rogers

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